Equal Pay and Wage Discrimination

Equal pay & wage discrimination is a problem that we’ve been dealing with, as a country, for centuries and frankly, we haven’t seen any improvement in closing that wage gap since the mid 1990’s.

Women in America are paid substantially less than their male counterparts for performing the exact same work. In fact, women are only making 72 cents on the dollar compared to their male counterparts.

Equal Pay Rights for Women

Odds are, you have at some point in your career been discriminated against, due to your gender, when it comes to pay. There have been trailblazers and other women in the past that have really pushed the ball forward in trying to close this wage gap. 

Equal pay rights for women is a huge problem and it’s projected to persist for decades still to come. 

Lilly Ledbetter & The Paycheck Fairness Restoration Act

Lilly Ledbetter was one of those trailblazers in rural Alabama. She worked for Goodyear Tire for 19 years as a supervisor and was one of 15 supervisors, she was the only woman. 

Despite the fact that she had more seniority and more qualifications, she was the lowest paid worker by far. Miss Ledbetter did something about it. She pursued legal claims all the way to the Supreme Court and stood with President Obama when the Paycheck Fairness Restoration Act was passed in 2009, in her name.

EEOC Charges for Back Pay

The Paycheck Fairness Restoration Act was a huge win for women in the wage equality war. Now, as long as a woman files an EEOC charge within 180 days of the last paycheck, in which she was discriminated against, she can reach back at least two years from that date in order to recover the difference in back pay between her and her male counterparts. In some situations, even three years.

Gender Wage Discrimination

Gender wage discrimination is a problem that’s not going to fix itself. Other women are going to have to come back in the path that Miss Ledbetter made and bring wage discrimination lawsuits to the table. 

Companies are not going to fix the problems by themselves. These companies are padding their profits to the tune of 22 cents on the dollar to what they’re paying men. They are saving in what they are paying women, and that’s just wrong. 

North Carolina Wage Discrimination Lawsuits

The fact is, companies are terrified about women bringing actions under the Equal Pay Act because they know it’s a problem that’s too expensive in their eyes to fix for themselves. These companies are essentially hiding and waiting to be caught.

Here at Van Kampen Law, we feel compelled to do our part to fix this problem and we have all the tools that we need. We want to be filing North Carolina wage discrimination lawsuits. 

At Van Kampen Law we want to help close this wage gap that we’ve just been struggling with for decades.

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