Van Kampen Law Client Robinson Bradshaw Calls Plaintiff’s Brief Outlandish

Robinson Bradshaw & Hinson PA and Van Kampen Law fired back Thursday against a black female attorney’s court filing accusing the law firm of using racial stereotypes in its efforts to escape her bias suit against it, saying the attorney “caustically embellishes the most outlandish allegations of her complaint.”

Van Kampen Law Hired to Represent Defense Firm Robinson Bradshaw

Sharika M. Robinson, who joined the Carolinas-based Robinson Bradshaw as an associate in 2015, accused the firm in her suit last month of engaging in a pattern of gender and racial discrimination that belies its public marketing to prospective clients and employees as being committed to diversity and inclusion.

Time Bar on NC Discharge Claims Not Retroactive: Judge

Law360, New York – A North Carolina federal judge concluded Friday that the state’s recent reduction of the statute of limitations for certain wrongful discharge claims, which stemmed from the now-infamous law limiting transgender individuals’ access to public facilities, can’t retroactively be used to kill a claim that would have been timely absent the change.

NC Legislature’s Tweak Leaves Bathroom Law Mostly Intact

Law360, New York (July 5, 2016) — North Carolina lawmakers have largely left intact a controversial transgender bathroom law that blocks local governments from granting civil rights protections to LGBT individuals, but restored the ability to sue for discriminatory termination in state courts and gave workers one year to bring such claims.

Fourth Circuit Rules that Title IX Provides Transgender Students Right to Bathroom of Gender Identity

On Tuesday, April 19, 2016, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a landmark decision, holding for the first time that federal law prohibits public schools from denying transgender students access to bathrooms that correspond with their gender identities. The Fourth Circuit’s 2-1 decision overturned the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia’s holding that Title IX of the Education Amendments Act does not allow for students to use the restroom that aligns with their gender identity.

4th Circuit Transgender Ruling Signals Defeat For NC Law

Law360, New York – When the Fourth Circuit ruled this week that barring a transgender male student from the boys’ bathroom in Virginia violates federal education law, it forecast a defeat over North Carolina’s already notorious discrimination law. Among its many provisions, H.B. 2 restricts transgender people’s access to public restrooms, which, if enforced in schools, experts say could cost North Carolina $4.5 billion in federal funding.

NC Governor Proposes Tweaks To Transgender ‘Bathroom’ Law

Law360, New York – A hastily enacted North Carolina law that undid a Charlotte anti-discrimination ordinance that in part allowed transgender people to use the restroom of their choice could potentially limit access to state courts for employees trying to pursue a wide range of discrimination claims, including those related to race and gender, plaintiffs attorneys say.